Water Intake: Determine How Much to Drink

Our body is composed of mostly water. Water is a unique molecule that flows and can embrace other molecules and help bring them to their destination. Water is also needed in many biochemical reactions in the body. Structurally our cells and support system, what I call the fluid system, rely on water to be full and remain in place. The fluid system also carries energy.
- The hormone system depends on the fluidity of the blood and lymph to carry out messages to distant cells.
- The digestive system uses water to digest molecules and food while detoxifying the body.
- The cardiovascular system relies on water in the blood to nourish all of the cells.
- Your skin is an organ that relies on water for elasticity and strength. The collagen in your skin relies on water.
- The neurological system will have trouble functioning if dehydrated as the nerves must be bathed in water and electrolytes to send messages. Mood and energy can be effected without proper hydration.
- In short, without proper amount of water, nothing in your body will function well.
Take your weight in pounds and multiply it by 0.67. This will determine your minimum baseline for how much water you need to drink daily. Then if you have any of the following in your diet, you need to add 8 ounces of water per serving of each food or substance to mitigate any negative or dehydrating effects from these substances. This includes coffee, alcohol, juice, cigarettes, cannabis, candy, sugar, flours. So for example, if you weigh 140 pounds, multiple this by 0.67 and get 93.8 ounces of minimum water daily. Then if you decide to have a cup of coffee, add another 8 ounces, which will total 101.8 ounces of water that day.
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