Is Meditation for You?

I don't know if you're like me but I find it hard to meditate and to do it consistently. It can seem impossible to still the mind for more than a few seconds. But while I can ponder why that is, I cannot deny that I wouldn't mind having the benefits that meditation provides. What aer the benefits of meditation? Well, one benefit is that it calms the mind... chuckle, chuckle... and that in and of itself is a good thing! Do I need more reasons?
We can think of it this way, thoughts are floating all around in your mind, in your head all the time. Now become aware of all the thoughts floating around, trying to grab your attention. Realize that there is a part of you simply aware of this. There is a witness of this; there's an observer of these thoughts. But You are not the Observer. So it's not about trying to stop the thoughts, it's about not identifying the thoughts as yourself. Just as if you are lying back on a grassy hill looking up at the sky, with the clouds floating by as you observe them. So it is with thoughts.
Become aware of all that is in your presence. Tune into all that is around You. Tune into all that is inside of You. It's a different place of being than when you are in your thoughts. Just relax and breathe.
There is no where to get to and nothing to do.
Simply be. A being. A human being. A Spiritual being. And a body we are clothed in.
Meditation becomes simply an awareness of a state of being. Anything can become meditation when in a state of deep awareness. Not bound by a body or an identity. And yet all can benefit by regularly tuning in from a place of inner stillness and receptivity.
Unquestionably the #1 cause of illness is stress. Probably the greatest self help/ healing tool we have is meditation. So I'm willing if you are!
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