Are You Becoming an Omelette?
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and
all the king's men
couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back
together again.
Had Humpty Dumpty tried to acheive balance rather than total relation this traumatic episode might never have happened.
A certain amount of tension is necessary to live and respond to one's environment. Without tension in your body, you couldn't sit or stand. Any living organizm demonstarates a give and take. Homeostasis is a trem used to describe the body's tendency towards equilibrium, fine tuning to maintain necessary parameters fo rlife. It requires a certain amount of tension. However, most people's tension levels are dangerously too high. Many people operate under a daily exess of tension which drains one's energy and affets you on all levels, producing physical tightness, emotional anciety, mental confusion and spiritual isolation. Therefore rest and relaxation are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps the most important!
As you go through your daily activities, it is easy to forget and forego relaxation. There is always something that needs to be done. In faxt, too many peopl ehave actually forgotten how to truly relax.
The answer is not sleeping in all the time or always being carefree, but rather a need for a balance between relaxation and tension, rest and action. Relaxation is a state of comfort-of-being. It is being awake and aware. It is fully functioning with acceptance, focus, and peace of mind.
Rest is a state of letting go. In a physiological sense, it is a time when the body is able to concerntrate on growht, repair and rejuvenation on a daily basis. This usually occurs in a sleep state. Oftentimes within a 24-hour period, the body incures a ceratin amount of deterioration and microdamage. Energy runs down, and you must take time out to let the battery recharge.
If these parts of your life are out of balance eventually you feel chronically worn out, sore from muscular aches and pains, lacking vibrancy, and probably unhappy. This all-too-common scenario drains your energy, lowers your resistance, and ultimately shortens your life. Unfortunately, we are a culture greared to symptomatic relief rather than correction and as a result find unnatural ways to try to achieve relaxation and invigoration. Who are we really kidding? What can you do about it?
The first step is to give yourself the okay to relax. Then you must develop an awareness of where the tension is coming from. And determine why it's theere. What causes excessive tension in your body?
Financial pressures and problems? Unfulfilled expectations about someone else? Unfulfilled expectations about yourself? Someone else's expectations of you? Who can do something about it?
While some tension problems may require professional help, most can be handled by you. It's tru that you can't change everything but as much is within your power to correct. Starting by checking yourself out. Monitor yourself as you go through your day. At home. At the office. As you drive. Where is your excess tension? What form does it take? How is it in th eform of body tension? How is it in the form of emotional tension? How is it in the form of mental tension? Where does it happen?
Do yourself a favor. Rest and relax. You deserve it. And you need it!