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7 Spiritual Principles of Health and Wholeness


1) The Power of the Word

Recognizing how powerful our thoughs are, and using the spoken word as a vehicle of manifestation and energetic intention.  Being mindful of what we think and say.  

"I am responsible for the creation that my word brings into being."


2) The Body is the Temple of the Soul

It is a diving creation of God.  It is the place where the spark of the Divine resides.  

It is a gift and an opportunity to experience the full gamet of life in the flesh.

"I am grateful for the gift of this magnificent body, and through this body, Spirit expresses Itself."


3) It is in the Soul that Love resides

Learn to listen to your soul..  Love is the exact vibration that matter responds to, and Love is the frequency that unlocks the door to Oneness.

"I easily hear and honor what my soul is saying."


4) That which is created out of Love is Good

Love is the binding force of the Universe.  It holds atoms together.  It holds people together.  When your heart and mind are in balance and alignment, your body will follow.

"I was created out of Love, and therefore I am Good."


5) Healing only takes place where Love is present

Love is a high vibration which expands and is limitless.  We cannot intellectualize this into being, nor can we equate the treatment of symptoms along as healing.  

"My heart and my mind are One with God."


6) If you cannot truly love yourself, you cannot really have a sense of yourself as Whole.

Learning to love all of yourself as a magnificent expresson of Spirit which created Itself as you.

"I treat myself with love and respect, as I would want to be treated by others, and as I treat others."


7) The harmonious and dynamic flow of energy of our entire being is what we call Health.

Health includes all of ourself.  Our body, our mind, our soul.  It is in relationship to this planet, to the Universe.

"I am in harmony wihin myself and with all of Life."


Jeffre Rosenfeld Dr. Jeffre Rosenfeld, a second-generation chiropractor, has been a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic for the past 29 years. Dr. Rosenfeld has studied various forms of healing modalities, and utilizes them with his intuitive gifts to provide the best care for each case. He says that his purpose is to “be a healing presence on the planet.”

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